Concept maps are a valuable thinking routine in the inquiry based classroom. They visually represent relationships between concepts, fostering critical thinking and facilitating the exploration of complex ideas. For teachers navigating the terrain of inquiry-based learning, leveraging concept maps can be a game-changer in supporting students' conceptual understanding. If you havent tried them, I promise you....pick one, train your kids how to use it, then sit back and watch the magic unfold.
Why I'm A Fan: I’ve been using these in my IB PYP classroom for years and years and years and, every time, they stimulate thought provoking conversations from the children all whilst aiding in developing conceptual awareness. Simple to implement and integrate into any inquiry, any subject, you will get a lot of bang for your buck!
I usually begin using them as a generalisation tool; part of doing the groundwork in the first week of our inquiry as we are tuning in, unpac...
Thinking routines help our students to think critically about an object, text, ...
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