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Unpacking Project Based Learning in the IB PYP

Unpacking Project-Based Learning for the IB PYP: A Concept-Based, Transdisciplinary Approach

Consider all the benefits of experiential learning and the myriad ways it reaches ALL learners and learning styles. This is why I love authentic inquiry-based projects for ALL disciplines and project-based learning (PBL) is just another powerful way to engage students in the inquiry cycle, enhancing their research skills and connecting their learning to real-world issues. In the IB PYP, inquiry-based math projects offer powerful opportunities for students to explore math in a way that connects to real-world issues Let’s look at how the PBL approach can be adapted for the IB PYP classroom within our concept-based, transdisciplinary approach to teaching. 

I have provided several examples for both upper and lower grades. Read on to find high-engagement ideas for your students' age and ability level. 

 Why Project Based Inquiry?

I create inquiry-based...

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