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IB PYP Inquiry & Women's History Month

Women’s History Month Through a Concept-Based Inquiry Lens

March is a powerful opportunity to inspire our IB PYP learners with the stories of remarkable women who have shaped our world. But how can we go beyond simple recognition and create meaningful, inquiry-driven learning experiences? By integrating Women’s History Month across the PYP transdisciplinary themes, we can deepen students’ understanding of key concepts, cultivate research skills, and connect their learning to the Learner Profile in a way that resonates for all ages. In this article, Im offering ideas for connecting this important recognition of women in society with classroom resources that may be able to support your investigations and align with our IB PYP framework.

Connecting Women’s History to the PYP Themes

Each of the six transdisciplinary themes offers a unique lens for exploring the contributions of women throughout history. By narrowing our focus with concepts such as identity, innovation, revolution, chang...

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Steps & Strategies for Developing Research Skills in the IB PYP

Research. The ability to help ourselves to find an answer to a question or the solution to a problem.

This potential to find answers for ourselves is a skill that  includes the ability to decide specifically what we want to know, to find information about a topic, evaluate that information,  analyse and interpret the information  and then put it all together in a way that brings us answers and solutions for ourselves. This is a skill that we want our students to develop.

Developing research skills includes explicit teaching of the skill, leading to implicit practice. This resource does exactly that with task cards targeting the research sub-skills.[/caption] The research sub- skills that our IB PYP students need, right from the earliest years include:

  • Observing
  • Formulating questions
  • Media literacy
  • Sourcing data
  • Evaluating sources
  • Analysing & interpreting data
  • Synthesising
  • Reflecting
  • Presenting

We want to ensure that the children's research inquiries are structur...

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