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New to the IB PYP? Find Support Here with Essentials for Inquiry

The Best Ways to Learn with Essentials for Inquiry

I know that being new to the world of concept-based inquiry can be over-whelming. And I know that we are coming from all over the world. 🌍I know our community.🌏 And that's why I wanted to make professional development as accessible and as affordable as possible for you, no matter your learning style. This article is sharing the many forms of support that I have designed to support you as a valuable member of our community. I've been in your shoes and I have worked with many, many others who have come through Essentials for Inquiry before you. Let me support you, too. 

Whether you’re looking for bite-sized professional learning, an all-access membership with money-back perks, or an in-depth, comprehensive course you can own for life, I made sure that Essentials for Inquiry has an option that fits your needs. Plus, with an exclusive community of like-minded educators, you’ll never have to navigate the inquiry journey alone.😊

1. M...

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Spook-tacular Halloween Literacy Activities for Upper Elementary: Supporting IB PYP ATL Skills

There isn't much as scary as Halloween in the elementary classroom! You either love it or hate it! 🎃 Whatever your feelings about Halloween, brace yourself and keep the inquiry flowing with these skills-based learning tools I have for you. And all perfectly aligned for your upper elementary IB PYP classroom.

Thinking & Communication Skills through Literacy

Halloween is the perfect time to bring a little magic to your classroom and engage students with creative, spooky literacy activities. By integrating Halloween-themed tasks into your learning environment, you can provide meaningful experiences that foster critical Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills, such as thinking, communication and social skills; key elements of our IB PYP framework. Below, we explore some eerie-sistible 🎃Halloween literacy activities that will make your planning easier.

1.Spooky Story Starters for Creative Writing _Thinking & Communication Skills

Get your students’ imaginations howling with a Halloween-the...

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IB PYP Communication Skills & Accountable Talk

Empowering Your Classroom with Accountable Talk: A Pathway to Deeper Learning

Have you ever noticed how some classroom discussions just fizzle out, while others spark curiosity and connection? That’s where Accountable Talk steps in, breathing life into conversations and adding oomph to student-driven learning. It’s not just another buzzword—it’s a powerful tool for fostering communication, critical thinking, and collaboration in our IB PYP classrooms. When students take ownership of their words and ideas, they’re not only talking—they’re learning.

Let’s dive into what accountable talk really is, why it’s essential, and how you can seamlessly weave it into your everyday teaching.

 What is Accountable Talk, Anyway?

Fundamentally, Accountable Talk is about keeping discussions purposeful, respectful, and learning-focused. It’s conversation that pushes understanding forward, where students are responsible for their words and ideas, holding themselves accountable to their classmates, t...

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Tuning Into the IB PYP Inquiry with Collaborative Discussions

As we continue to navigate the dynamic landscape of student led inquiry in the IB PYP and beyond, one thing remains constant: the importance of fostering effective communication skills and nurturing inquiry-driven minds.  I'm delighted to share another innovative strategy, albeit not that new, that empowers facilitation of a transdisciplinary inquiry through collaboration and communication skills.  Today, I have some strategies for tuning in and developing communicators. And I'm excited to introduce you to a powerful tuning in and provocation tool: Concept Discussion Mats. 

Why Communication Matters

Effective communication lies at the heart of the IB Primary Years Programme.  It's not just about conveying information but also about collaboration: actively listening, exchanging ideas, and constructing meaning collaboratively. In an increasingly interconnected world, the ability to communicate effectively is a fundamental skill that empowers students to navigate diverse perspectives an...

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Planning Through the IB PYP Approaches to Learning Skills


The IB PYP Approaches to Learning Skills are a BIG deal! We think of them as the tools that support independent learning, amplifying the journey as the children progress with their development of those 21st century skills. And it is so important to identify those skills and then acknowledge them. Transparency is key. 

The functional language or action words help us when planning through the ATL skills with the children, to assist with recognising the skills in use, being able to transfer those skills authentically and connect the purpose to their learning meaningfully. Read on for practical ideas and tools for assisting with co-planning through the IB PYP Approaches to Learning Skills and watch the video where I share practical strategies for including the children in the planning process.

As you know, the PYP aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
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