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Strategies to Support Reflection & Assessment in the IB PYP


You know that way when your students' reflections are just regurgitated and not really giving us insight as to their conceptual understanding? When it comes to reflection and assessment in the IB PYP, fostering student voice and agency is at the forefront of creating engaged and lifelong learners. At the heart of this endeavour we want our students to truly understand what it means to BE reflective. Not only an attribute of the Learner Profile but being reflective is also a key Thinking Skill. The importance of this skill comes into play when we are assessing the concepts around which we plan and implement our inquiries. Concepts serve as the backbone of the IB PYP curriculum. Concepts not only deepen understanding but also empower students to take ownership of their learning experiences. 

Easy Strategies to Develop Reflective Thinkers

I'm excited to introduce a powerful approach to enhance reflection and inclusive assessment in the IB PYP through the lens of conceptual...

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Why Concept Based Learning Works in the IB PYP


Newsflash: Concept based learning is not exclusive to the IB PYP and it is not new. It may be buzzing around right now but it is certainly not simply the latest buzz word. It is how we have brought depth to understanding and transferrable knowledge within inquiry, ANY inquiry, in ANY subject, for a very long time. If you are just now learning about a concept based approach to learning, then welcome. You will never go back from here. :)

Form: What is Concept-Based Inquiry?

If you are new to this idea, consider that working from a concept-based approach to inquiry is going to bring two approaches to teaching together. We are merging inquiry-based learning with concept-based learning to produce this multi-dimensional approach that supports student agency, develops 21st century skills, amplifies understanding and enhances transfer of knowledge. 

Traditional learning typically chases facts and skills, bringing a two-dimensional approach to teaching and learning. Knowing facts...

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Enhancing Conceptual Understanding in the IB PYP: The Power of Concept Maps in the Classroom


Concept maps are a valuable thinking routine in the inquiry based classroom. They visually represent relationships between concepts, fostering critical thinking and facilitating the exploration of complex ideas. For teachers navigating the terrain of inquiry-based learning, leveraging concept maps can be a game-changer in supporting students' conceptual understanding. If you havent tried them, I promise you....pick one, train your kids how to use it then sit back and watch the magic unfold. 

Why I'm A Fan:  I’ve been using these in my IB PYP classroom for years and years and years and, every time, they stimulate thought provoking conversations from the children all whilst aiding in developing conceptual awareness. Simple to implement and integrate into any inquiry, any subject, you will get a lot of bang for your buck!

I usually begin using them as part of doing the groundwork in the first week of our inquiry as we are tuning in, unpacking...

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Project Based Learning in the IB PYP Inquiry

I've shared a lot about project based learning with our Instagram IB PYP community and how it fits into our student-led inquiry framework. Many have asked me if it offers fidelity to the inquiry process, to student agency and to transdisciplinary learning.  With this post, my intention is to share my perspective based on my experience and hopefully bring some clarity as to how project based learning fits seamlessly within the unit of inquiry.

There is a common misconception that PBL is not as rigorous or as organic a form of inquiry-based learning. I say, that depends on:

  • *Our understanding of an inquiry-based project
  • *How we implement the process
  • *How we differentiate inquiry
  • *How we support student's voice within the project
  • *How flexible we are with plans
  • *How open we are to multiple strategies
  • *How we view structure in the learning environment
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Tuning Into the IB PYP Inquiry with Collaborative Discussions

As we continue to navigate the dynamic landscape of student led inquiry in the IB PYP and beyond, one thing remains constant: the importance of fostering effective communication skills and nurturing inquiry-driven minds.  I'm delighted to share another innovative strategy, albeit not that new, that empowers facilitation of a transdisciplinary inquiry through collaboration and communication skills.  Today, I have some strategies for tuning in and developing communicators. And I'm excited to introduce you to a powerful tuning in and provocation tool: Concept Discussion Mats. 

Why Communication Matters

Effective communication lies at the heart of the IB Primary Years Programme.  It's not just about conveying information but also about collaboration: actively listening, exchanging ideas, and constructing meaning collaboratively. In an increasingly interconnected world, the ability to communicate effectively is a fundamental skill that empowers students to...

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8 Ways to Use Task Cards in the IB PYP Classroom

8 Ways to Use Task Cards in the IB PYP Classroom for Skills-Based and Collaborative Learning

Can we take a few minutes to chat about task cards as a solution to our constant search for innovative methods to engage our IB PYP students in meaningful learning experiences. Task cards, versatile tools that offer a wide range of applications, are a valuable resource for promoting skills-based learning and collaborative activities in the classroom. They are not only versatile but also provide us with an opportunity to infuse creativity and interaction into our approaches to teaching. In this article, we will explore eight effective ways to use task cards to enhance skills-based and collaborative learning.

1. **Skill Stations:** Create skill stations in your classroom by placing task cards at different learning centres and even around the room. Each station can focus on a specific skill, such as listening to understand, math problem-solving, grammar development, or critical thinking....

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Tuning into IB PYP Related Concepts with Picture Analysis

A key part of tuning into the IB PYP unit of inquiry is unpacking those additional concepts that our investigations will be based upon. I've spoken a lot about ways that we can provoke the children's curiosity and invite their questions into the inquiry. This article goes a little deeper into this tuning in phase as we use images to develop thinking skills, namely all of those skills that make up analysing information, in order to learn more about those related concepts.

If you've been following along with my social media accounts for a while now, then you will know how much I love using pictures to provoke the inquiry. There are so many thinking skills at work when you are presenting images to children and it's so easy to integrate those thinking skills into all subject areas, not to mention how they overlap into research and communication skills too.  This article gives you a few easy to implement tips that can be integrated into your units of inquiry through the related...

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Integrating Inquiry Based Math in the IB PYP

The Inquiry-Based Math Project in the IB PYP

Integrated maths inquiry, concept based maths, project based learning….it doesn’t matter what you call it, well designed projects support learning through a guided inquiry that has enough scope to ensure that maths concepts are approached authentically and with a student-led perspective. These projects naturally lend themselves to support all types and levels of learners. They are transdisciplinary in nature, allowing concepts and skills to be transferred and applied towards an end product that has largely been created with the children's voice as an obvious part of the process. They're open-ended enough to allow your students room to expand and direct the project yet structured enough to support those learners who aren’t quite ready to take that leap into independent inquiry.  As you watch the following video, where I share my strategies together with Parvana Guliyeva (an IB PYP grade 4 teacher, currently in...

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Mentoring the Mentors within the IB PYP Exhibition

Within the IB PYP Exhibition, your team of mentors are a crucial support tool for students and facilitators alike. They are often a mixture of other staff members ( teachers, support staff ), members of the local community and parents. Many mentors are coming to the Exhibition for the first time. And, even if it isn’t their first time, its so important to ensure right from the very beginning, that everyone is on the same page. Mentoring your mentors is one key to making the journey  a smoother one.  I have a couple of GREAT tools to help! In this article, you will find a fantastic video, a free guide and my best-selling Exhibition journal. If this is your first journey through the PYP Exhibition, make sure you grab your FREE timeline here.

[caption id="attachment_3787" align="alignnone" width="980"] Get your FREE Exhibition timeline now![/caption]

Within my student journal, Journey Through the PYP Exhibition, you will find ideas for mentors as well as clarifying...

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Strategies for Developing IB PYP Conceptual Thinkers

Concepts are such a big part of our IB PYP lives. They begin with our transdisciplinary planning and end with the students' assessment of their conceptual understanding. And in between, we are nurturing and developing their awareness of those big ideas so that they may transfer their knowledge and understanding across disciplines and the programme of inquiry.

Following on from my conversation on Facebook, LIVE with  Misty Paterson from Pop-Up Studio, I wanted to offer some ideas that I have used for developing concept-seekers. I'm going to give you the super-quick tutorial on conceptual learning and planning before I dive into the tools I use to develop conceptual thinking within my students. If youre looking for ideas for assessing the additional concepts within our transdisciplinary themes, you will LOVE this article that shares my strategy for rich, rigorous and student-led conversations to reflect and assess those additional concepts. Take a look at this article below:


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